Alex Her

New title:

Global Talent Attraction and Employer Brand Mgr

New company:


Start date:

Dec 2020
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Alex Her recently joined Acoustic to lead our talent attraction, employer branding, and candidate experience efforts. Before joining Acoustic, Alex led the efforts at Informatica as a team of one. He built the program from the ground up and successfully created initiatives across 26 countries. He has over 5 years of employer branding experience that will help us bring our employee stories to life, retain top talent, and attract top talent in 2021.

Along with his role at Acoustic, he is also board member on the Talent Brand Alliance, leading the Marketing Committee, and a contributing writer and leader on the Employer Brandwagon.

Originally from Michigan, he currently resides in Austin, TX.  Aside from being an active advocate for all things employer brand, Alex enjoys traveling, being around family, video games, and a good craft beer.