Dominika Weston

New title:

Talent Manager

New company:


Start date:

May 2020
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Dominika's journey with languages and cultures started about 19 years ago when she landed in the US as a tourist. She immediately fell in love with the idea of chasing her dreams and prove it was possible despite all odds. Right after graduating from college with a Master's Degree in Finance with a focus on Risk Management, Dominika decided to settle in on the East Coast and take chances through learning the world around her all over again. The degree did not matter, what mattered most was the desire to learn new things. The task she was up against was not easy to accomplish; as she had to master a lot, from how to ask simple questions to actually expressing herself in the foreign language.

The impact that experience had on Dominika ignited a fire within; and from there, it almost felt like rolling down the hill... (of course, with bumps and bruises). She became unstoppable!

Dominika's career journey has been quite rewarding, plus it illustrates the chase after well know to many immigrants the famous American Dream.

From the first job in a coffee shop, through engagement with the Polish community; to managerial roles in the talent acquisition. Every step of the way, Dominika learned more not only about people around her but also a lot about herself. She managed to build a foundation and established a good reputation among immigrants intending to pursue their dreams.

Dominika has respectively dedicated 14 years of her professional work towards designing and implementing Talent Acquisition/ Recruitment strategies on vertical markets, from leading teams towards process improvements to becoming cost-effective and culturally sensitive. Finding fulfillment in building efficiencies for the recruitment processes is like a breath of fresh air for her. Dominika tackles talent acquisition needs through developing a key pipeline of top talent while advocating for enhancing employer branding through active engagement and putting emphasis on the need for effective communication and transparency.

She loves what she does and it shows! Knowing that her drive impacts the lives of others through conscious and culturally sensitive communication efforts, as well as the bottom line of the language business, keeps her determined to be the best at what she does.

Being involved for the past 7 years in multi-cultural exposure/awareness from many angles enabled Dominika to really grown emotionally and find the importance of understanding others first before being understood.


What question are you being asked the most, and why is this topic important to your business?

Skillset requirements. It is imperative to the business as it drives clients' satisfaction.

What is the most important quality/skill you look for when hiring a new candidate? Why?

I look for candidates who are active listeners, those with people skills. Inquisitive and those who have just a great attitude and the ability to quickly adapt to changes.

What do you wish vendors understood before they contact you?

I would like to see more homework being done before reaching out, checking the requirements, etc. As much as I  would like to help many, I can only offer freelance work to those who meet the set criteria and complete the assessments successfully.

What industry blogs and publications do you find most valuable?

I have to mention Ethnologue here, although not a publication; but a website- it is worth checking by anyone who would like to learn more about languages in general. I like to follow various language organizations that advocate on behalf of interpreters and translators.

What do you think is the biggest threat facing the talent acquisition industry today?

The fear of automation for many processes. Machines will not replace a human element fully, at least not in the language industry. There is still a misconception among many that artificial intelligence may eventually replace people, machines are here to help us find efficiencies, not to take our jobs away. Lack of understanding of this concept creates a threat.

Where do you see the talent acquisition industry in 5 years?

I think we may see more personal experience for candidates. At least, this is where I would like to see the industry heading.

If your talent acquisition budget doubled tomorrow, how would you spend the additional funds?

I would make sure all departments are cross-trained and understand the impact they have on each organizational component. I would bring more hands-on deck.

What is the most difficult role your team is recruiting for right now? What makes it difficult?

Languages of lesser diffusion roles are always the most challenging and most time consuming as they require additional time allotment and an extra layer of training due to cultural differences.

How do you stay sane/ maintain balance?

I ask questions to understand better. And always: find time to decompress, whether it is a good read alone late at night when the house falls asleep or just a cycling time with family.