Scott Ludlum

New title:

Senior Director, Talent Acquisition

New company:

Western Digital

Start date:

Mar 2019
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I love hearing how people got into recruiting.  Everyone seems to have an interesting story of how they navigated into this crazy and wonderful business of Talent Acquisition.

As for myself, I was a Strength and Conditioning Specialist (C.S.C.S.) and Sports Therapist (A.T.,C.) working in a physical therapy and chiropractic clinic in San Jose, California.  We partnered with several local pro sports teams and also treated patients that would come see us for their myriad injuries.  It was my dream job, but I eventually found myself craving a career that could provide greater upward mobility and earnings potential.  The business world and thriving Tech industry that surrounded me in Silicon Valley provided terrific avenues to explore and consider.

I confided in a long-time patient of mine that I was looking at making a transition, possibly to a sales career or perhaps to bio-tech where I could leverage my education and expertise.  She owned a boutique agency and suggested I come interview with them.  At that time, I had absolutely no clue what an agency did or what a recruiter’s role even entailed!  But… here I am 20+ years later, still in the field of TA and loving it.