Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash
DEI initiatives are often complex and difficult to manage for many reasons. These factors range from shifting organizational demands to changing employee expectations and political changes. Yet, DEI remains vital in organizational success in the diverse and connected digital era.
A company’s greatest asset, its talent, has also warmed up to the importance of DEI. Findings from the Pew Research Center involving over 5,000 hires in the United States revealed that 56% of employees have a positive opinion of their company’s focus on DEI.
Yet, establishing and managing DEI initiatives could prove difficult for the unprepared enterprise. Biases may continue to abound, companies may lack the DEIB metrics needed to secure investor interests, and recruitment could fail to tap fully into a diverse workforce.
The good news is that benchmarking real-world case studies offers a realistic perspective to navigate the tricky and unpredictable DEIB journey. To that end, we have compiled insightful DEI lessons from the World Economic Forum’s 2024 Lighthouse Program to keep your DEI initiatives on track and on target.
The World Economic Forum founded the annual Lighthouse program that presents the latest DEI practices trends. The program shares creative DEI initiatives from industry leaders that boost workforce engagement, employee satisfaction, and productivity.
A lighthouse initiative showcases how decision-makers can improve DEI campaigns with a systematic and integrated approach. In addition, a lighthouse approach often includes innovative talent management practices and transparent communications that foster positive and inclusive cultures.
We highlight the key points of the 2024 Lighthouse program report in the following sections.
Women continue to face financial challenges as an underrepresented group. The Pew Research Institute reveals that the gender payment disparity has remained largely unchanged in the US in the last decade – where women earned an average of 82% of the salary of men.
Private sector bank Banco Pichincha’s lighthouse initiative implemented policies that empowered women with equal access to financial services in Ecuador. So, these strategies include an exclusive bond offered to women entrepreneurs. The bank’s innovative DEI initiatives resulted in a 16% closure of the financial gap between men and women.
Banco Pichincha formed an internal commission responsible for overseeing the long-term success of the DEI initiative upon implementation. So, through consistent reporting systems, the bank monitored and measured the progress of its women-focused initiative to ensure the continuous impact of its campaign.
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