Hiring Managers are People Too
A funny thing happened on the way to this article. A client in the midwest that does a fair amount of complex hiring (ranging from volume call-center to senior actuaries, etc) reached out with - what seemed like - a fairly straightforward question: could we point them to a few articles, videos, etc they could share with their hiring managers.
This seemed simple. And yet, the well was pretty much dry. Turns out, once again, hiring managers are the red-headed stepchild of our industry. (Also, if anyone out there is working on the hiring manager experience, let’s talk - we want to cover it at RNN). So the team here thought we’d step in to fill the gap a bit.
Without further ado:
5 Things for Hiring Managers to Consider When Conducting a Video Interview
The main point here is: be human. Be yourself. It can be odd emoting through a screen, but it matters - and, it can actually be a solid way to break the ice by simply acknowledging “hey, this is different”. Getting the connection matters, and even once we’re past this current crisis, these points will help you make that connection.