Photo by Marten Newhall on Unsplash
The grass may look greener on the other side of the fence, or at another employer—or at least that’s what a recent survey found.
iSolved, a human capital management platform, surveyed 1,100+ full-time workers in the US for its annual Voice of the Workforce report.
A striking 58% of respondents said they’re thinking of looking for a new job in the next year, an 11% increase from last year. While the data doesn’t delve into why they may leave, 31% of workers said they stay at their current job because of the work they do, while 24% stay because they like their company.
“Providing employees with a sense of purpose and a positive culture can improve morale and keep them happy in their roles,” the report said.
In terms of what workers want from an employer, 33% said a four-day workweek, and a combined 66% were pro-work from home/in favor of work from home policies. “Employers need to make certain that they remember the reason for the four-day recruit and retain top talent by demonstrating a true investment in their employee's well-being,” Isidro Galicia, president and CEO of Incito Consulting Group, told SHRM this spring.
Read full article here.