LinkedIn Recruiter and other tools that use an Automated Decision System, a machine using algorithms to make decisions independent of human intervention, should apply contextual transparency, or a “nutrition label” of sorts, to their results to show the criteria — or ingredients — used to make decisions, the authors of a study published March 13 in Nature Machine Intelligence said. LinkedIn could not immediately be reached for comment.
“There are currently no systematic and scalable approaches for establishing ADS context and creating ADS transparency. This is particularly problematic when ADS are used by business corporations and enterprises, given that they are often hidden from public access and scrutiny, yet can impact the public at scale,” the authors, researchers at New York University, Cornell Tech and New Jersey Institute of Technology, wrote.
The study found that recruiters don’t blindly trust the ranked results of their Boolean searches — using “and,” “or” and “not” queries — on LinkedIn Recruiter and usually double check the results.