Photo by Christophe Hautier on Unsplash
More than a quarter of employees globally say they don’t see themselves with their current employer in the next year, according to a Dec. 18 report from Boston Consulting Group.
Workers named emotional needs among their top concerns, such as feeling respected and enjoying their job. According to the survey, managers had the most influence over these factors.
Importantly, great managers were associated with a 72% reduction in attrition, as well as a 3.2-times increase in employee motivation, 13.9-times increase in job satisfaction and a significant increase in feelings of inclusion.
“Managers also play a key role in companies achieving their diversity, equity and inclusion goals,” Gabrielle Novacek, a managing director and partner at BCG, said in a statement. “We know that inclusion is critical if we want to attract, engage and retain a diverse workforce.”
In a survey of 11,000 employees from eight countries, BCG tested more than 20 needs, including functional needs such as pay, hours and benefits and emotional needs such as fair treatment, respect and fulfillment with work. When asked directly what would lead them to take a new job, employees focused on functional factors such as pay, benefits and work/life balance.
However, when employees were asked to make choices between different aspects of work, emotional needs also rose to the top. Pay and hours were still the main priorities, but fair treatment, respect, job security and enjoying work moved into top spots as well.
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