Recruiter - Project Kuiper at Amazon
Blogger -
YouTube Creator - AMA Friday with Amy Miller
After 20+ years in recruiting, hunting everything from truck drivers to CFOs, I'm now a Senior Recruiter at Amazon's Project Kuiper. I've spent the last several years in big tech (Microsoft / Google) after many years in various agencies learning how "real" recruiting is done. I'm passionate about client AND candidate experience, and I believe that good consulting sometimes looks like bad customer service. I'm flattered by every inmail I receive asking me if I'm on the market for a new gig, but be warned - the crappy ones turn into cautionary tale blog posts. I will also turn your snarky comments into t-shirts. ;)
Feel free to connect with me at
Veronica Funk
March 25, 2021
Veronica Funk
November 16, 2020
Veronica Funk
February 8, 2022
Veronica Funk
September 14, 2020
Veronica Funk
July 15, 2020