Dr. Patricia A. Young is an educational technologist, professor and software developer. As an Full Professor at the University of Maryland Baltimore County, her research examines culture as a design construct in the development of culture-based information and communication technologies. She also investigates the history of educational technologies designed by and for African Americans. Her research is internationally recognized and well-cited in the literature of instructional design and educational technology. She developed the Culture Based Model as a novel framework for building culture-based information and communication technologies. This model is documented in several articles, and her 2009 book Instructional Design Frameworks & Intercultural Models (Information Science Reference). She is the first woman and African American to serve on the editorial board of the internationally ranked journal Educational Technology Research and Development. Dr. Young also built Proticy, an original learning analytics software that improves teaching and learning in higher education. Her new book is entitled Human Specialization in Design and Technology: The Current Wave for Learning, Culture, Industry and Beyond. Routledge
Veronica Funk
March 25, 2021
Veronica Funk
November 16, 2020
Veronica Funk
February 8, 2022
Veronica Funk
September 14, 2020
Veronica Funk
July 15, 2020
Patricia A. Young
October 21, 2021