Staying on top of new developments can lead to more effective campaigns and improved outcomes. Here are four marketing trends that are on the horizon and why they’re worth paying attention to.
Say you see an online ad for a brand-new car. It’s from a company you haven’t heard of before. Plus, it’s an electric vehicle. You’re curious about the technology and the brand, but you aren’t sure you can trust either. So you dismiss the ad and decide to stick with the vehicle that’s sitting in your garage.
Later in the week, a friend starts raving about their new car—the same one you saw in the online ad. They praise its drivetrain, slick acceleration and comfortable interior. Your friend also says it was easy to convert to electric because the company installed a home charging station. Based on your friend’s intel, you’re now convinced to give this wonder car a try. That’s the power of word-of-mouth advertising.
Influencers leverage this impact by promoting a company’s brands and products to audiences who already trust them. It’s a growth marketing strategy that can boost brand awareness and bring in new leads. Although influencer marketing isn’t a fresh idea, companies are becoming more strategic about it. Brands are forming lasting relationships with influencers and turning them into brand ambassadors to drive long-term results.
In a crowded content world, it’s becoming more difficult for brands to stand out. Catching someone’s eye isn’t as simple as it once was, as consumer attention spans are declining. With the average now clocking in at around eight seconds, people are even having trouble watching 4-minute videos all the way through. Instead, it’s the shorter 15-second content that’s winning out.
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