First of all, let's take a big grain of salt when it comes to how people this young plan to "achieve wealth."
Gen Z'ers are between 11 and 26. For this survey, Meta polled users who were 16 to 26. The 26-year-olds might have some of life all figured out (Good for you!), but the 16-year-olds probably have yet to map out their life's plan (That's OK!).
And a big chunk of Gen Z is presumably living at home with their families — and is too young to legally work full-time. So their thoughts on work might not be fully formed.
Still, another half of Gen Z is out there in the workforce already, and able to make real decisions about how they want to plan for their careers and financial future.
There are a lot of reasons that Gen Z looking to be self-employed is an indication they don't necessarily believe that traditional employment can be trusted. This spring, Business Insider wrote about how "Gen Z is the hustle generation":