France-based Next Station announced a USD $1.74 million to continue helping people find jobs abroad. This brings its total raised to $2.9 million. The round was led by Cabiedes & Partners.
Job board marketplaces have been the leading category for work tech investment since WorkTech started tracking the deal flow in 2016. Long gone are the days of simple job ad display, job board marketplaces have been bringing specialization, new tech, and value beyond the job to candidate match for years. Startup Next Station, like other models we’ve seen this quarter, is blending staffing services with tech and employer branding, aiming to provide better experiences for candidates and employers.
$13.7 billion was invested globally in work tech through Q3 2021 across 299 deals. WorkTech Market Insiders can access insights and analysis of all of the deals in our Q3 report with a free membership.
Seafair announced a $5.7 million Seed Round of venture capital for its job board marketplace focused on the maritime industry. This brings its total raised to $6.5 million. The round was led by General Catalyst.
Anyone new to our comprehensive VC data is usually surprised to hear that the marketplace job board category is consistently the leader in dollars invested by a large margin. Entrepreneurs and investors love two-sided marketplaces. More importantly, marketplace job boards are the closest thing we have to consumer tech in the work tech space. Marketplace job boards have led the market in industry and job-type specialization. They were the first to focus on new work models (e.g., freelance/gig/contingent). And, they are looked to first to expand recruiting reach and deliver more diverse candidate pools. Let’s not forget the adoption of new techs like AI and matching, and now the rush to reskill the workforce at large.
$13.7 billion was invested globally in work tech through Q3 2021 across 299 deals. WorkTech Market Insiders can access insights and analysis of all of the deals in our Q3 report with a free membership.
Wonolo announced a $138M Series D Round of venture capital for its job board marketplace of vetted front-line workers. This brings its total raised to $190.9 million. The round was led by Leeds Illuminate. Boasting 1M laborers and front-line workers that have used its marketplace to secure flexible shifts and competitive pay rates, Wonolo looks to be squaring off against the temporary staffing market. Providing screened and ready talent to fulfill shifts in a variety of roles. The company reports record-setting growth this year across industries such as retail, manufacturing, distribution, fulfillment and hospitality.
Wonolo is the epitome of the job boad marketplace model that investors are keen on in work tech.
$13.7 billion was invested globally in work tech through Q3 2021 across 299 deals. WorkTech Market Insiders can access insights and analysis of all of the deals in our Q3 report with a free membership.
Hunt Club announced a $10M Series A Round of funding for its tech enabled staffing solution. This brings its total raised to $11.8 million. The round was led by Teamworthy Ventures.
Hunt Club bills itself as a high touch search firm leveraging a tech enabled talent pool of more than 10,000 experts making referrals and more than 5,00,000 passive candidates. It sounds like a large, curated talent pool. The firm doesn’t publish its pricing. It isn’t clear whether the focus on tech results drives a pay for performance, subscription, or executive search-type service fee model.
$13.7 billion was invested globally in work tech through Q3 2021 across 299 deals. WorkTech Market Insiders can access insights and analysis of all of the deals in our Q3 report with a free membership.
Source: announced a $10 million Series A Round of venture capital for its tech candidate interview training marketplace based on mock interviews. This puts its total raised at $15 million. The round was led by M13. The marketplace delivers mock interviews with, and feedback from, interviewers that have worked at some of tech’s most notable brands. The company’s website claims that mock interviews start at a cost of $120 which can be deferred until the candidate lands a new job.
$13.7 billion was invested globally in work tech through Q3 2021 across 299 deals. WorkTech Market Insiders can access insights and analysis of all of the deals in our Q3 report with a free membership.
Source: We’ve Raised our Series A!