Recently, RNN Editor-in-Chief Martin Burns reached out to leading talent acquisition technology group on Facebook, Talent Product Plays [full disclosure: Burns is the founder and co-administrator for the group], with the question: what are people going to use now that ZapInfo has been acquired by Indeed?
ZapInfo is a tool that rapidly gained popularity among the industry for its ability to find, extract, enrich (find email & contact info), engage (send personalized social messages), and export contacts and profiles to nearly any ATS or CRM with 1-click. Indeed announced it was acquiring the company early in August, and would be integrating its technology into the Indeed platform.
Here are a few of the suggestions that were received (we will update this list as more come in):
In addition, the great Irina Shamaeva (author of the blog Boolean Strings) has put together a quick-list with her thoughts on the best of the best, their pros, and their cons.